
Andy - 2004-12-02 13:35:04
You sir, are a friggin' genius.
Andy - 2004-12-02 14:21:08
I also called 1-800-burn poo (yes, I have a lot of free time) and it asked me to enter in my pin #. What's my pin number?
Greg - 2004-12-02 15:43:52
Sorry for the delay, we're still working out the bugs in our system. You really should try 4687448(HOTSHIT) for the pin!
BigpimpinMBA - 2004-12-03 08:07:42
I like the way you think, young man. You will go places.

I'd support this whole-heartedly, except that I know several of my jackass friends who would be the first customers lined up to have my house ringed with flaming poo bags. I would hate to invest in something that would leave me with a front yard full of flaming fertilizer.
Andy - 2004-12-03 08:47:23
IF you would like to leave a pile of burning poo, please push 1 now.

If you are calling about the status of your burning poo service, please push 2 now.

If you think you have reveieved a burning poo-gram in error, please push 3 now.

If your foot is on fire from stomping out burning poo, please push 4 now.


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