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What would people say if I had half of a testicle hanging out?

2005-03-24 - 2:33 p.m.

This morning I was at the local university to git me sum learnin' when I saw a girl with a Mohawk and a pierced nose. All I could think was,

"Someone's trying a bit hard, aren't they?"

A few steps later I saw another girl wearing hot pants, a tank top (with extra jiggly stuffins), and just the hint of brown areola peeking out. All I could think was,

"What's wrong with trying hard?"

1 People felt the need for sassback

Stale - Fresh

YVAN EHT NIOJ! - 2006-08-10
That's Edutainment! - 2006-04-28
I hope this is on his college application - to Antioch - 2006-01-24
Lining the nightmare dream - 2005-12-21
The ultimate fuck you! - 2005-11-10

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